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الملف التجاري: معلومات الاتصال ، آراء العملاء ، التصنيف والاعتماد ، شكاوى العملاء ، تفاصيل العمل


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Premium Card | In touch with your needs

PremiumCard is the first truly guaranteed interest-free credit card in Egypt. With Premium Card, you can buy NOW and pay over 10 months installments with 0% interest. Premium Card is warmly welcomed in over 1500 outlets across Egypt offering you a wide selection of goods from apparel, leather products, appliances, electronics, eyewear and even trips through travel agencies. You can enjoy using your Premium Card through the whole year, during promotions periods and without any minimum amount of purchases. With Premium Card, you're a part of a large community of 55,000 cardholders, all enjoying their Premium privilege.

جهات الاتصال

next to Al Ahly Exchange, Beginning of El Galaa Street, قسم دمياط، اول دمياط، دمياط 34511



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